So after a couple of frustrating weekends I've decided that I need to post something about how I'm feeling so that I don't go mad.
I am not the best person in the world, I'll freely admit that but I have had an especially hard time controlling my emotions lately. I can't stop fighting with my sweet husband and seem to find a reason to cry every time I leave the house.
I know that there is a lot personally that I need to work on to become the kind of person I would like to be. For instance I need to not be hurt when my family doesn't find me as interesting as my sister in law. That is petty and downright conceited, but it is hard to get over when I am struggling with feeling relevant in the first place. Everything is not about me and I get that (in my head); but for some reason I feel like a neglected child whenever I feel people aren't listening to me or start talking over top of me while I am speaking.
Verbiage is my canvas of choice and I know that I enjoy talking more than the average person. While most people can get exhausted by an hour of conversation, I by contrast get invigorated. It pumps me up and helps me evaluate all of the hours of internal dialogue that flow through me while I am cleaning, running on the treadmill or just blindly nodding and smiling at my three year old while she talks.
I think it is an innate female propensity to verbally dissect things and figure them out one at a time. Some women don't enjoy it at all but I think it's a more feminine quality than masculine. Whatever the reason it hurts me more than most people when I feel like nobody is finding what I say relevant or interesting. It's compounded by the fact that I am a stay at home mom and have a hard time feeling relevant by my own standards.
The other issue that has been plaguing me is that I blame my husband for things that he really has no control over. Like when I have a bad day and he doesn't notice that I'm miserable and doesn't say anything to me. I get irate because he should know that I need someone to talk to and help me out of my funk. But lets face it, how can he know he should do something if I don't tell him. I know it's my problem but for some reason I just can't rewire myself to tell him that I need him to uplift me.
I realize that I am rambling and not making a great deal of sense, but the fact is I have spent the majority of the last weekend crying over the two issues above. I know that they are my problem and that I need to learn to be a better person who doesn't compare how much my family prefers my sister in law to me. I also know that I need to stop being passive aggressive to my husband, especially when he has no idea what is going on.
Don't you guys sometimes hate being women?
So much estrogen, so little sense and a whole lotta tears and the end result: a mildly depressed woman all over something so little a man wouldn't have noticed it if you pointed it out for him.
Living Area Design and also Design Suggestions
9 years ago
Can I just say...Amen!!
You know I think we all go through this, a lot. I've learned today that you think someone is happy and great and want to be them or even happy like them. When in reality they are struggling just like you. Whether it is the same sorta thing or different. We are so full of emotion that it's hard to tell up from down sometimes. Now I'm not as good with words as you are, but know this...your not alone in your internal or even external struggles. So come to my house and we'll cry together! LOL :)
I'm sending a big HUG across the miles to you! You sound so down :(
I work one day every other weekend, so not a lot but enough to keep my hand in so to speak and I really find I have hardly anything to talk about! I'm not sure that my 19 year old single colleague thinks my tales of what the kids have been up to are that interesting, as he intends to wait about 16 years until he has any! And I'm never up to date with what's in the cinema etc. One day we'll get there, I hope.
Mel xxx
Then you add pregnancy into the mix and it's even 10x worse! I'm there right now! Ugh, I serioulsy think I've shed tears at least twice a day over the stupidest things. You are most definitely not alone in this feeing!!!
You can always escape across the street when you need a breather. And I think husbands should be able to know when you need a break. If you have to tell them it takes so much away from getting a break. If we have to anticipate the needs of the kids all day I think they can do ours at night!!! Don't let him off the hook too much.
It's so hard - I'm totally there. I had a break down a couple weeks ago. I couldn't sleep so I watched The Best 2 Years, and I just broke down crying afterwards! {Don't ask me why that movie did it to me?} But everything I'd been stressed about and feeling just toppled over and out.
That's one thing that husbands just won't get is that it's hard to spend all day, every day without speaking the adult version of the english language! {yes, we have the occasional phone calls, lunches, or walks with our girlfriends/family, but especially in the winter, they're rare} That's why we need breaks , and time alone or with the girls. We need to be able to talk with someone about these kinds of feelings and are completely understood. Women just need that. Why? I don't know. It's just that way.
I'm so sorry you've been feeling like this though... It truly is hard, and I don't know how to make it better than saying that I'm there. And, I think you are VERY interesting. I wish I had the intellect and ability with words that you so do! As for your cute hubby... men just need to have a little help sometimes. They aren't very good with noticing the little hints, so you'll just have to be brave and tell him:) He'll get it someday... just walk him through it for now. One thought is since you're so good with words, just write him a little note! :) It could be as simple as saying "Honey I love you, but I've had a rough day and I need a little attention {or me-time}."
I don't know... just a thought:) Well, I've rambled enough! I hope I've said something of a booster! Talk to you soon!
i feel the same way yesterday we fought over a sandwich i messed up on ordering for him and i ended up crying too. Guys are just programmed differently. I canm totally relate talk to me anytime. Chelsea
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