I'm so tired of defending every move I make because everyone thinks I should operate like them...
I'm done with jumping back and forth between thinking of others and their feelings and then feeling as if I deserve to think about myself once every blue moon...
I'm tired of fighting the world as it really is and finding out that my idealistic view of how it should be will never exist...
I'm done talking and talking and talking and finding that a large portion of people I interact with have no interest in anything I have to say, think or feel...
I'm tired of feeling inadequate because I will never be the kind of mom I want to be...
I'm done thinking that someday I will measure up...
I'm sooooo tired of everything and just want to sleep or watch chick flicks...
I thought I was done feeling sorry for myself but no matter how many times I say "I won't feel sorry for myself anymore" I can't make it true in a real sense...
Anyone else have a hard month?
Living Area Design and also Design Suggestions
9 years ago
ME!!!! I feel the same way. We need a girls night sooooo bad! Maybe in a couple of weeks. Until then give up showers like me and just wallow.
I've had a hard month too. I am tired of people judging me too and thinking because I'm a wife and mother that I can't have goals and dreams for myself. Or that if I try to attain those dreams I'm selfish.
I think when people judge without knowing situations they are being ignorant and rude. And I will never discourage my baby from reaching a goal or dream because of what someone else says or does to them, that's for sure. I can very much relate, here's to a better month next mont!
Tana: You are too sweet. Those dreams of how the world should work is your spirits way of trying to right your world with the world you know we are here to attain.
Don't be too hard on those who don't get it. Don't be restrained in your passions for happiness and doing it the Lord's way just because you don't always get it right and those around you don't either.
One of the hardest things we have to learn in this life is we are each other's cheerleaders. We don't do so well at it most of the time, but when it happens it's fantastic.
Keep trying1 Moderation on the chick flicks and sleeping (I don't really mean that). ;-)
Maybe moderation on the chick flicks - but I just don't think you can sleep too much!
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