I could not imagine life without my sweet little baby boy!! He is the sweetest child alive and is the easiest baby I've ever seen.....but I feel like I am not equipped to deal with life with three children. I wanted to go away this weekend. Nowhere special just to a local hotel and get some distance from my beautiful three children.
The problem is who do we leave these sweet kiddos with? I mean really...my family is sooooo busy that even though we found a time that worked for one of them they need at least two adult sets of arms to deal with all three of my kids. It's not their fault, I have three kids. How ridiculous am I to expect anyone to take three kids so that my husband and I get a night kids free. Anyone up for the task of having three children around already has three or more children themselves. And anyone who has three children does not want an extra three around (for those who are slow on math that would make six total).
I just didn't see this day coming, we just have too many children to leave them anywhere anymore. It snuck up on me.
The irony is those who have three young children are the ones who need to get away. We may not be the people who are in a position to take a night off work but we are certainly the ones who need to. My dear sweet parents let me know that after 32 yrs of marriage they are taking their first (tropical) vacation (may I point out that they have taken a number of getaways many different places all over the US) but have never been to a "beachish" type vacation and they feel unapologetic about taking that vacation. Yes they deserve it, but they can get away from their children whenever they like; we are all grown. Those of us with little children have to move heaven and earth just to get out of the house for an hour.
When I am a grown up and have the luxury of going anywhere I please, whenever I feel like it I am going to choose to help those who really need a break. I will use my vacation to watch my grandchildren so my children who can't afford to pay a sitter for the evening can actually go someplace where they won't have baby food in their hair and they can sleep in and actually take a shower the next morning.
I know that sounds harsh, but I am bitter. I want help, whether from a parent or sibling....I don't really care. But logically I know that as a grown-up person who chose to have children I don't have the luxury of asking another person to take on my responsibilities even for an evening. I will just have to save my pennies till I can afford to pay someone to watch my children or not go at all.
The only thing that makes me feel better is that I will make sure my children have breaks. I am going to scrimp and save and live on nothing if I have to so that I can be a grandmother who is always there. When my daughters are crying because they love their children but can't stand them another minute....I will be there with a box of crayons and a bottle. I will shoe them out the door and let them enjoy if only for an evening, being young attractive and in love with their spouse. Because my youth, and looks will fade soon....and when they finally do, then and only then will I have time to enjoy just being with my husband.
Living Area Design and also Design Suggestions
9 years ago
Bring your kids over!! Seriously ill watch them free of charge! Just give me a little notice and its done :)
Oh I hear ya. I am living the life. Just know that you aren't alone. :)
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