So the big magnet board I made was a nightmare, see the post about it. But the little magnet board I made was somewhat easier and I like it alot more. I made it to match my littlest's room but since I didn't have really good photos to put on it for display I put my oldest's one year photos. We are getting photos of the girls in a week or so, since my youngest will be one next month.
Anyway I really enjoyed making this even though finding the sheet metal the right size was a headache. They don't sell that size 8x8 in the hardware stores and they don't cut the metal in those stores either. I had to call three metal fabrication companies in Ogden before I found one that would cut the galvanized sheet metal to the size I wanted. They are called "All Metals Fabrication" if anyone is interested in getting some metal for a magnet board.
I've decided that for big magnet boards the easiest way to go is getting the big metal sheets in the store and cutting the metal to the size of whatever frame you have. Making a custom frame for it is harder than it looks or anyone makes it sound. It's much easier to buy a big sheet of metal and cut it with tin snippers to the size you want. The reason you can't do that for the little magnet boards is that if you do it the way I did above you want clean cuts that are straight and even.
I'm thinking that I did the entire project for $10 since I already had the ribbon and bought the stamp and buttons I used for my scrapbooking supply.
Anyway I am very proud of the way it turned out.
It is so cute! I love and want to make one. Maybe when we get a new home and I start decorating I will have to make some for the girls rooms. It is really cute! You are just so crafty!
You did an AWESOME job!! I love it!! You'd be a great idea for a Super Saturday..hint hint. LOL
That magnet board looks great! Really lovely, I wouldn't have thought of something like that.
Thanks a lot for your comment, you are right I know. Unfortunately I can't get away from her just yet as our eldests are best friends and go to preschool together and we have a few mutual friends (and the next few months is birthday party season...) but in September the kids are going to different schools so if it's all still awful then I can let things slide!
I hope you're OK, you hope family will be supportive but my Mother in law (although very helpful at times) thinks her way is the right way and anything different is wrong and don't we hear about it!
Mel xxx
Way to go! You are so great. That turned out so cute:) I love homemade fun projects!
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