Friday, May 22, 2009

Pillowcase revisited

Sewing seems to be the order of the month. I made a pillowcase dress for my eldest, and she won't wear it. I'm super sad and a little mad that she doesn't even want to try it on for me. I think I need to put buttons and an elastic waste on it and maybe she'll like it.

I love the way it turned out. It's not as cute as those made by some of my friends, but I couldn't afford to go out and buy cute fabric for this project, we're a little tight this month and I opted to go with an old pillowcase with some remnant fabric I had lying around with my quilting fabrics.

My sister asked me if my eldest was short on dresses or something. I said "not really" she said "It seems like you are making her a new one every week". I laughed, almost but not quite. She was running low on dresses that were long enough a month ago and I went a little crazy trying to remedy the problem without massacring my budget.

I also made two baby quilts for my sister in law's twins last week. They turned out so cute, but again no pics, arrgh! One of these days I will just nail my camera to my forehead.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

I need to take more pictures

I made two little crayon rolls for my nieces this weekend and I didn't take pictures. I am so sad because they turned out so cute. I also didn't take pictures of a valance I made for my little sister's room. It was pleated and I turned out the pleats and sewed buttons to hold the pleats out. I also made matching table runners for her desk and dresser.

I'm promising myself that I am going to take pictures of the things I made for my sister's room next time I visit my parents house. I also did a painting for my other little sister's birthday that was really cute as well. Again there was no picture taken before I gave it away.

I love making things, I feel productive. It's only since I started blogging that I've realized that you take pictures of things so that you can show people what you are proud of, and give others ideas for their own creative endeavors. I love looking on other blogs to get ideas for things to make for my kids or myself.

Monday, May 4, 2009

High expectations

I've been thinking lately about a post a friend of mine did about being a mother. She said that she doesn't have any need for outside validation or additional income as a source of validation. She is so into being a mother that she is happy doing exactly what she is doing.

I am very in awe of this person and I've been trying to think of why I don't feel that way. I love being a mother and don't get me wrong I love my children more than life itself. I would die before letting any harm come to either of my girls, but I still feel like I need some sort of external validation.

I believe that the reason I still feel a need for wordly accolades is that I have a large amount of something many would call "male" ambition. I have a desire for the world to think highly of what I do. I believe it stems back to when I was a teenager. When I was thinking about what I wanted to be when I grew up, mother was not what sprung to mind. It's not that I didn't want to be a mother, I did; but I also believed that if I never met the right guy or had an opportunity to get married I wasn't going to feel like life wouldn't be worth it. I didn't think much at all about getting married and having kids. Instead I had detailed plans about finishing school and starting a career I would be proud of.

It wasn't that I thought so little of myself that I didn't believe I would ever get married, I just knew that not everyone gets married and I didn't want to set myself up for disappointment. Of course I dreamed of companionship from a wonderful man (very much like my husband), but I wasn't going to define myself as any less of a person if I never found someone.

Then to the surprise of me and my family I found a wonderful man, while I was still quite young. My husband was such a wonderful catch that I knew if I passed on him I would regret it for the rest of my life. I never wanted to get married young, but I did.

The only problem was that I never got rid of my "male" ambition. And although I have a degree and may someday go back for a graduate degree I am primarily defined as a mother, not anything else.

I admire my friends who can be incredibly satisfied with staying at home. My one friend said that she is a mom because she chose to be one, not because she had to be one. I don't feel like I have to be a mom or was forced to because of circumstances, I chose this. But I don't know if I will ever shake off the desire to be defined as more than a mother. I do want to change the world. I know that being a mother does change the world in a profound way, but not everybody sees that and that is where my downfall will always be. I want people to respect deeply the work of mothers and I don't think anyone but mothers ever will.

While it is amazing that some people are naturally satisfied being a mother, I have to work at it. I think that may be what ends up defining me. The fact that I work every day at loving and respecting what I do as something that is admirable.

Happy Mothers Day to every mother out there who is not always happy being "just a mom". At least you do it even though it's hard. Fighting for something will always make it worthwhile to you. I honor mother's everywhere who try to stretch themselves beyond their natural capabilities to make the world better one child at a time.

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Another upcycling success!

One of these days I will take a before shot to illustrate the transformation. This dress turned out soooo cute. I loved making this and learned alot for the next dresses I'm going to make for my eldest because of course I'm going to make more of these dresses. I am totally addicted to the idea of reusing old and unfashionable shirts to make cute dresses. I made this dress on the same day I made the cake for my youngest's birthday.
I made a homemade fondant out of powdered sugar and marshmallows that turned out really yummy. The cake was carrot and I used a cream cheese frosting under the fondant. I had to show off this cake because it turned out so cute. The pan looks awful but it is clean I promise. I need a pretty platter.

My little cutie wasn't too fond of carrot cake but she like the frosting. My eldest had alot of fun singing to her little sister and loved all the fun of a party.