Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Proud to be Canadian!!!

As most of you know, I was born and raised in British Columbia, Canada. I moved with my family to the states when I was thirteen and was "naturalized" and became an American citizen. I am proud of the country that I now call home, but I am so proud this week to be a native of British Columbia.

Canada did amazing in the Olympics. I was torn while watching the last hockey game of the Olympics. I called my parents and siblings and they weren't so torn. They unabashedly rooted for Canada. My mother is/was Canadian and didn't try for US citizenship for awhile. This last fall she did the work though and became an American citizen along with the rest of us.

I think the events of the last week prove, you can take a family out of Canada (you can even change their citizenship) but you can never take Canada out of a family!!!!!

1 comment:

Shabby Chick said...

It's great to have national pride! I'm very patriotic :)

Thanks for your comment by the way, it helps to know I'm not the only one!!!

Mel xxx